N. Boyer

Older Books Inner
Visions With Jesus, Satan, Heaven and Hell
In Visions With Jesus, Satan, Heaven And Hell, with a picture of heaven included, as seen by her son Troy J. Nanyamka talks about her walk with the Lord since He saved her in 2003, about her visions and encounters with Him, God the Father, Satan, angels Heaven and of the Spiritual Realm He gave her and her children. You will be encouraged, drawn closer to the Lord, as you hear from His own words of encouragement that He will give you, through Nanyamka's own walk with Him. You will also learn more about the Spiritual Realm and to what extent the Lord will go to save you and to show you His amazing love!
May you be richly blessed and enlightened, by these visions of our wonderful and blessed Savior, Jesus Christ, our Great I Am!
Jesus: The Sweet Lover Of Our Souls!
"With the Lord you will always feel adored, wanted and special, because you are His most treasured and valued possession!" An excerpt from the book.
In Jesus: The Sweet Lover Of Our Souls, you will gain a deep hunger for the Lord Jesus Christ, as you learn about His ways, His character, His faithfulness, His unchanging and unconditional love for you!
Encounters With Jesus, Hell Demons And More...
In Encounters With Jesus, Hell, Demons And More, Nanyamka writes a continuation of her first book: "Visions With Jesus, Satan, Heaven And Hell." With more visions and encounters with the Lord Jesus, Heaven and of the Spiritual Realm, He gave her and her son Troy J. You will be encouraged, drawn deeper and closer to the Lord, as He teaches you His ways and revelations of His Word, through these visions.
May you continue to be richly blessed and be drawn closer to the Lord, the Sweet Lover of our souls!
Available on Kindle, Hardcover and Paperback
The Mighty Power Of The Blood Of Jesus!
In the Mighty Power Of The Blood Of Jesus, you will learn about the power that is in the Precious blood of Jesus, our Savior, how to use it and how it will help you in your daily walk with God, for your salvation, protection, and your deliverance from the attacks of the devil, which is our daily spiritual warfare against him, the enemy and accuser of the brethren!
May you continue to be strong in your walk with the Lord Jesus, so you can overcome him (the devil), by the blood of the Lamb and by the Word of your testimony, as it says in Revelation 12:11.
Available on Kindle, Hardcover and Paperback