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Nanyamka Boyer

Heaven: Our Glorious Home Through Jesus!

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

Saints of the Most High God and my fellow man who does not know the Lord Jesus, as your personal Savior and Lord, let us live every day as if it was our very last on this earth, for we never know when our day will come. Also let us be ready for the Lord's second coming and remain focused on Jesus, and on Heaven our eternal home! For soon our lives will be over and when it's all said and done we will be standing before the Son of Man, Jesus, and have to give Him an account of our lives. And if we have refused Him and NOT obeyed His Word, then know we will forever be separated from Him and cast into Hell, and later into the lake of fire, as it is written in His Word. 

We should never forget that tomorrow IS not promised and never get used to living on this earth, and live as if we will never die. For we all know that we are all passing through this world saint and sinner alike. So to the saint I say, let us work out our salvation with fear and trembling before the Lord by obeying His Word and by keeping His commandments daily, for without Holiness no man shall see Him as well as Heaven, as the Apostle Paul tells us in God's Word in the book of Hebrews. 

To the unbeliever or sinner, the Lord says in John 14: 6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." So we must all go through Jesus to receive forgiveness from our Heavenly Father and be able to enter Heaven, by accepting His sacrifice on the cross 2,000 years ago, by asking Him to forgive us of our sins, and to come into our hearts, life and be our Savior and Lord. 

So there's hope, so come to Him with your sins, for the Lord Jesus will receive you and forgive you without condemning you and He will give you eternal life, both spiritually (in your spirit, heart and soul) and physically by going to Heaven! God bless you and let us stay strong in and for our Lord Jesus! Amen!

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