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Hope In The Lord

Nanyamka Boyer

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

My fellow man and beloved saints of the Most High God, let us remember that in our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, there's hope for eternal life. To those of you who are suffering who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord, I want you to know that the reason why you are going through those things, it is because of serving sin or by being a bondman to sin, and the penalty or result for sin is death, as the Lord says in His Word through the Apostle Paul in the book of Romans.

The Lord came to set us free from that curse and from the grip of our enemy, Satan, that wicked serpent, the devil! The Lord also says this to you the unbeliever: "...Sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee" in John 5:14. So be wise and choose life, eternal life, by allowing the Lord to save your soul from Hell, for if you continue to sin and to be wise or right in your own eyes, you will continue to suffer here on earth, and having the last suffering worse than the former, until you end up in Hell, for the Lord says: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23.

The Lord, as He says in His Word is not willing for no man to perish, but for all men to come to repentance and to  the knowledge of the truth. If you think you can out win the Lord, get away with your sins and think that He is overlooking your sins in your life or those things in your life that are NOT of Him, you are deceiving yourself.

For the Lord sees all things and records it in your book in Heaven, whether good or bad, for the last day when you will have to stand before Him and give Him an account of your life! So as you see, it is wise to surrender to the Lord and be saved, for there's no salvation in no other Name under Heaven and in nothing else in this world, but only in Jesus. 

There's no Heaven for the unbeliever, but only Hell, unless you repent. "For without Holiness, no man shall see the Lord!" as it is written in Hebrews 12:14. So get right with God, before it's too late, for the Lord loves you more than anyone else ever could in this world, or He would've not given His life as a living sacrifice for your sins and mine. So give Him a chance to be your personal Savior, Lord and God, and you will taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed be His Holy name!

If you accept Him, the Lord will forget all your sins and NOT hold them against you, and you will be a new creation, the old will be passed away and all things will become new, as it is written in 2 Corinthians 5:17.

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