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Giving Thanks To The Lord At ALL Times

Nanyamka Boyer

My fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and beloved of our Lord, greetings. For those of you who are discouraged and are having a hard time trusting in the Lord because of trials and tribulations, let us be strong in Him and be like the Apostle Paul who said in the book of Acts 20:24 "But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God." So let nothing and no one move you from your place in God!

I know that it can be hard at times to walk by faith, and that if we look around us and at our own troubles we can get so discouraged, depressed and loose all hope, as I am also a partaker of sufferings along with you in this world, as none of us are immune to the devil's attacks in this world, and it can be very tiring and frustrating at times. But let us remember to be strong in the Lord and to stand. And be as king David was, who encouraged himself in the Lord and kept a record of all of the victories the Lord gave him in his previous trials. We most remember that we can do all things through the Lord, who strengthens us and wait on Him to bring us out and see us through.

For we can and must do the same, as King David and the Apostle Paul did, for it is during our weakest moments that the Lord shows Himself strong on our behalf, as the Apostle Paul said, for it is His grace that it's sufficient for us and carries us through. 

Also remember that when we don't keep our focus on the Lord, we are must vulnerable to be attacked by the devil and to believe his lies. The Lord does loves us and knows about our situations, for it is He who put us there to purify us and to strengthen our faith in Him, and in no wise will leave us, for He is the friend that sticks closer than a brother, especially when we need His help the most.

Remember the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, how the Lord was with them in the fiery furnace in the book of Daniel. So talk to Him during such hard times in your life and ask Him to give you the grace or strength to stand after having done all and to see you through and don't fall away or give up on God.

So let us still give thanks unto Him for all the blessings that He has given us already and for the next victory He is about to give us in our lives for that which is concerning us, regardless of what we are going through, for He is still OUR God and loves us more than anyone else could in this world or He would've not died for us.

For more words of encouragement and admonition from the Lord Jesus Christ and for a worship experience, visit the author's website at: or to purchase her books on Kindle or Paperback about teachings from the Word of God, visions and encounters with the Lord Jesus Christ, God the Father, Heaven and of the Spiritual Realm, visit the author's page at:

Kindle versions are always free when you purchase the Paperback copy. 

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